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The Best Mop for Vinyl Plank Floors in 2022 — Best Product Reviews
If you’re the lucky owner of a vinyl plank floor, having the best mop for Vinyl floors is a must. Despite being highly durable, you still need to take good care of it or the floor is going to look dull in a matter of months.
Our analysts have combed through the market to find all of the best mops for Vinyl floors out there. After testing a few models in our lab, here are the ones that our reviewers like the best (and think that you will, too!)
1. Bona Hard-Surface Floor Premium Spray Mop
Strangely enough, the highlight of this mop isn’t the mop itself, but the bottle of Bona Hard-Surface Floor Cleaner that it comes with. Vinyl floors are tricky to clean chemically because they’re very vulnerable to streaking. From our experience, Bona’s formula does a great job at sanitizing the floor without leaving behind ugly streaks or hazy smushes.
When you get this mop, you get a 34-ounce bottle of this formula, free of charge.
Anyhow, getting back to the mop itself. In terms of design, it is fairly standard.
The handle is made from lightweight aluminum. Other than the primary grip at the top (curved for user’s comfort), there is also a secondary grip a bit further down the handle. The dual-grip system makes the mop a lot more comfortable to use when you have to scrub stubborn dirt spots.
At the bottom is the mopping head, which comes attached with a reusable microfiber mopping pad. The mopping head measures 16.5 inches in width, which covers a decent amount of ground per swipe.
The mopping pad is made from soft microfiber. The material is naturally non-abrasive, so it won’t scratch up your floor even when you vigorously scrub at a spot on the floor.
As it is a spray mop, it comes with a water bottle and a sprayer. You can fill the bottle with Bona’s formula or your own. Then, using the trigger on the handle, you can apply the liquid to the floor whenever you need.
2. Bissell SpinWave Cordless PET Hard Floor Spin Mop, 23157
The Bissell SpinWave 23157, like its name suggests, is built for pet owners. It does an excellent job at cleaning up pet hair and sweeping up pet-related debris like kibbles.
It manages this thanks to its motor-powered sweepers. At the bottom are two circular mopping pads that, once you power on the mop, will automatically spin. Therefore, you no longer have to scrub the floor manually. All you have to do is lead the mop around and the rotating pads will do everything for you.
We understand if you feel a bit nervous about using this mop on your vinyl floors. The fast-rotating mopping pads don’t look at all gentle. Reality is quite different. We tested the mop out on our floor and detected no damage to the vinyl flooring’s surface at all. In terms of safety, it’s got our stamp of approval.
The mop has a built-in water tank that you can load plain water or detergent inside. A trigger is available on the handle for you to apply the liquid to the floor.
Design of the Bissell SpinWave 23157 is quite good. Though it isn’t exactly lightweight at 11 pounds, compared to other spin mops on the market, this isn’t a bad number. Furthermore, thanks to a swivel steering mechanism, our testers assessed the mop to be highly maneuverable.
Within the shipping box, two soft pads and two scrubby pads are included. You’ll also find two small 8-ounce bottles of PET Multi-surface cleaning formula.
These are one of the best vinyl floor mops that we got in our database. Our reviewers all gave these models high scoring, so we’re quite confident that you’re going to like them. All you have to do is give them a shot and they can be your best mop for Vinyl plank floors for years to come!
Editoval tymongiffin (18-04-2023 11:27:56)
Pokiaľ máš na mysli ETP Compact 250 tak áno, stalo sa mi to. Nie po pár mesiacoch ale po nejakom desaťročí čo masina vôbec nezvarala a dostala sa ku mne. Keď som ju zapol tak po chvíľke zacala dymit ,zhorel jeden z kondenzatorov čo slúžili na odrusenie kvôli TV signálu alebo rozhlasu . Ale už ide znovu ako za mlada
Celkem běžný případ u svářeček napájených 400V ze dvou fází, kde výrobce dal odrušovací kondenzátory na 250V~ (275V~) dva v serii a nepřemostil je odpory (220 až 470kOhmů, 1W). Jak kondenzátory stárnou a změní své parametry, soustředí se na jednom z nich vyšší napětí než dovolené a hned je o problém postaráno. Kolikrát se jen nečoudí a je i exploze.
Pokiaľ je len takáto závada tak si myslím že ma zmysel to opraviť. Keď sa mám vyjadriť k pôvodnej otázke či opraviť alebo kúpiť niečo iné. Je to ozaj kvalitná zvaracka aj keď rozmernejsia ako nové ale ide ozaj pekne ,aspoň sám za seba ju chvalim
Stránky: 1